Monday, January 11, 2010

In Fond Memory of

Howard Lee Pierce
the man with the big heart

Reflections from a Pew

We gathered together to bid our farewells
To a man who had finished his well fought race.
Family and friends did assemble that day
To offer our love for a life lived with grace.

Light pierced the windows of that ol' country church
And danced on the crown of his beautiful bride.
God offered warmth with His comfort and care
As his family remembered its beloved with pride.

Songs of the Master enveloped the air,
A reminder to all that His love was quite near.
Words, oh so tender, completed our refrain;
Sweet adoration brought the wipe of a tear.

Sadness escaped us as stories were shared.
Laughter was afloat, along with Tammy's note!
Memories of a family man flooded our hearts
As we honored the legacy of love Howard wrote.

You are missed, my friend...
January 11, 2010

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